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Terms and conditions

Operator Information

Company name HR Security Kft.
Address 1033 Budapest, Bogdáni út 23
Tax number 12065219-2-41
Company registration number 01-09-462437
Registry Court Fővárosi cégbíróság
E-mail stephansnumismatic@gmail.com
Mobile +36706391362
Registration number PR7069

Basic provisions

Issues not covered by these Rules and the interpretation of these Rules shall be governed by Hungarian law, in particular with the provisions of Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code. ("the Civil Code") and the 2001 CVIII Law on Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services the relevant provisions of the Act. The mandatory provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply to the parties without any specific clauses.


Anybody can register on the website operated by HR Security Ltd. Purchase is possible without user registration. The benefit of the registration is that if you want to order from us next time, you do not need to enter your data again. Be sure to give the data exactly so that the shipment can run smoothly.


Your order is an offer to conclude a contract. The contract is created when you have transferred the entire purchase price and the ordered product is delivered to the post or received in person upon receipt of the product upon payment.
The subject of the contract is all commodities, coins and banknotes in the webshop.

Processing and execution of orders

Orders are processed within 24 hours. The buyer agrees to purchase the ordered goods and to pay the purchase price fully within the required payment deadline.
The ordered item is delivered by post. Recommended by registered package.
For higher value products, we recommend securing the product to be insured by value assurance because HR Security Ltd. does not assume any financial liability in case of leaf loss from Magyar Posta's fault.


We offer a full guarantee of 2 weeks for our products, which means a money back guarantee. If you change your mind within 14 days and return it to us in the state of purchase, we will refund you the full purchase price.

Right of withdrawal

Within eight business days of receipt of the ordered product, the buyer has the right to withdraw from his intention to purchase. In this case, the company is obliged to return the purchase price paid for the product to the buyer no later than thirty days after the withdrawal or return of the product. Refund does not apply to shipping costs and the buyer is responsible for the return of the product.

Unsuccessful delivery

In all cases, the cost of re-sending due to a defective delivery by the buyer will be borne by the buyer.

Data handling

We disclose your personal information provided during the use of the web shop and are not handed over to third parties.
An invoice is made on the ordered product, the storage of which is stored in the manner and in the manner prescribed by the applicable legislation.
You can cancel your data from the system at any time in writing, but you can also unsubscribe from the list of subscribers that may be unsubscribed, without your registration being deleted.

When handling our data, we act according to the provisions of Act LXIII of 1992, according to the Privacy Act.

Detailed Privacy Policy can be found at the following link:
Privacy statement

Law rules

On the internet - by clicking or by electronic mail - the contracting is done with a behavioral approach. The language of the contracts concluded through the use of the website is Hungarian, the contracts thus concluded are not a written contract and are not registered by the seller. In the contractual relationship between the parties, the provisions of Hungarian law, in particular the Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code, the Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce Services, the provisions of Government Decree 17/1999 (II.5) on Distance Contracts shall govern.
Parties to the dispute shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Central District Court of Pest and the Metropolitan Court, depending on the amount. The court proceeds under Hungarian law.


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